Our Classes
Casual Visit (Yoga) - $25
Casual Visit (Aerial) - $30
10 Class Yoga Pass (3 month expiry) - $220
5 Class Aerial Pass (3 month expiry) - $120
Join our membership program and receive unlimited classes for $42 per week.
No lock in contract. Cancel anytime with two weeks written notice.
Please note: Classes without more than one booking will be cancelled.
Bookings are essential to secure your practice.
* Please note: due to the capacity limit for Community and Aerial Yoga classes, any no-show bookings will be charged a cancellation fee of $15.
Our classes are tailored to all levels of experience with Yoga, from beginner to advanced. Our teachers are trained to give variations and alternatives for all students to experience beneficial, accessible and inclusive Yoga practices.
Hatha Yoga
Taught in the traditional practice of Krishnamacharya, the father of modern Yoga, Hatha Yoga includes the repetition and prolonged holding of postures. This is a breath centred practice and encompasses physical, mental, emotional and energetic qualities of the being to receive a balancing and effective practice.
Our Vinyasa classes are taught with the principle of progression, building strength, stability and range of movement while maintaining the qualities of a steady breath. Postures are practiced dynamically, creating a "flow" of movement through the body, breath and mind.
An esoteric yet powerful practice that encompasses breath, body and energy through Kriyas and specialised sequences. Kundalini Yoga emphasises the charging of Chakra energy for specific intentions. Think planks held for a minute while using breath of fire. Intense, beautiful and can be modified to your individual needs.
Yin Yoga + Yoga Nidra
Combining two highly beneficial healing practices for mind and body, our 75 minute Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra classes explore the TCM approach of meridians and myofascial (muscle + connective tissue) release of Yin Yoga, and the shifting to Alpha brain waves through the specialised meditative technique of Yoga Nidra. In Yin Yoga, postures are supportively held for up to 7 minutes, with the intention to release and reset the inner structures of our muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and fascia. This slow practice is recommended to those in physical rehabilitation or limited in movement.
Restorative Yoga
Similiarly to Yin Yoga, however even more supported, Restorative Yoga emphasises minimal effort in the body and encourages sensory deprivation to cultivate a deeper sense of restoration of mind and body. Postures are held for up to 15 minutes, with emphasis on slower breaths and cultivating a meditative state of mind. This is an extremely effective practice for nervous system decompression, for those who operate in high levels of sympathetic nervous system (always on the go!) -- This is where the challenge of the practice lies.
Slow Flow
An infusion of Hatha Yoga and Yin Yoga, taught on a Sunday afternoon to unwind from the week that was, inspiring you to start the new week ahead with a sense of balance, alignment and calmness.
Aerial Restorative
A gentle, slow infusion of Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga and Aerial Yoga, the principles of the above restorative practices apply, however the addition of gravity and silk hammocks encourage deeper releases through held postures that challenge the body's relationship with gravity (the stretches and releases feel more intense but are so much deeper and juicier once surrendered to).
Beginner Aerial Vinyasa
As Aerial Yoga is still a very new practice to our community here in the Blue Mountains, our dynamic Aerial Vinyasa Yoga practice is taught at a beginner level. Learn an array of movements, drills and postures, both with the assistance of the hammock and flying in the hammock to build strength, stability and mobility like no other physical activity can offer.
Kids Yoga
At Flow State, we offer kids Yoga classes to encourage our little ones to develop mindfulness, emotional intelligence and self-regulation through creative Yoga practices. These are also great opportunities to develop coordination and cooperative learning through interaction with others, and compliments any extracurricular activities.